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Blog Page 2022

Blog Page 2022
Welcome to the SOIL Blog Page. I plan to make the blog about the following: planter plates - soil improvement products - ground cover crops - Quick lock or wing nut plate attachment. I may at time post other types of blogs that are important to me or humorous. I hope you enjoy my blogs. Please like or comment to my blogs. I really appreciate it. Thanks! Lynne

The Holidays are here but January is coming!
Unbroken Circle
Circles. Where do they start and stop? Circles put out our crops. Families have circles. Churches have circles. When you get done planting the circles get cleaned and put away until needed for putting seed in the ground until next time. Even at harvest, circles help bring in the crop. Rainbows are circles if you see the whole rainbow.

Holiday Greetings to you and yours and all the others. I pray this holiday season brings many great times and blessings to everyone.
This has been a rough year for everyone from what I have heard and read. For us between passings and surgery, things really slowed down business wise. But we are looking forward to a great 2023.
I love the first day of winter. Not because it is Winter, which I do not like, but the days start getting longer. I love longer daylight hours, and of course Spring is the next season to come. Spring means planting season.
Now is the time to enjoy your family and friends but Spring is coming. Be sure to get your order in for planter plates for Kinze brush meters. We want to be sure to have plenty of plates on hand to fulfill all orders. We are looking forward to the next planting season as I am sure you are. Do not be left behind. Be thinking of your dealership's needs for planter plates that will please your customers as well as increase your bottom line. Watch for the next blog where more information for the upcoming planting season will be shared. We look forward to hearing from you and getting your feedback.
Many talk about the circle of life. Is it really a circle? To me it does not seem to be a circle but a circle with a spiral portion that flings portions away from the circle. Individuals are born into a family and everyone circles around each new arrival. The new baby is the center of the circle of life at that point in time.
When it is time for the baby, now in his or her late eighties, breaks away from the circle, shooting out as a star, away from the circle of loved ones here on earth. If you believe in the afterlife, which I do, then one believes the "break away" person goes from one circle to the heavenly circle.
If you do not believe in heaven, then picture what you do believe in. Is it a continuation of a circle or is it a finality in space and time.
The purpose of this blog is to help release sadness as my mother has passed. She had lived with me and my husband for the past year. Even though I was a nurse for many years and cared for dying people, it is different when it is family. I pray the circle was not broken and she joined the circle of family in heaven. Her dying wish was to meet Jesus on her birthday which was October 5th and passed October 6th at 12:55am. Rest in peace Mom.

What's Great About Winter?
Winter Wheat! If you have not gotten your winter wheat in the ground yet, there is still time. The time window is between late August and mid November depending on where you live or where your fields are located.Vartillcon planting plates plant winter wheat. This field was planted by Marty Whitney of northern Ohio with Vartillcon planting plates on a Kinze brush meter planter.
The same plates can also be used to plant your soybeans the following year. This pictured field was also planted by Marty Whitney. Look at those nice soybeans! Want to plant oats? The same plate works for oats too, as well as cover crops. After years of testing and tweaking the Vartillcon design, we finally have the plates that offer the greatest diversity for farmers. Instead of needing to purchase a plate for each type of seed, one will do the job.
The plates can be purchased from Kinze dealers; Precision Agri Service in Minster, OH; or you can visit our website at Planting charts with gear ratios are included with purchase for the crop being planted. The planting charts will help dial in the correct speed and gear ratio for the amount of pounds per acre desired to plant. Be prepared for the planting season. This year and next without extra plate costs. This field was planted with a Vartillcon planting plate!
A hardy welcome at just the right time.
Updated: Sep 13, 2022
Welcome to Sprouting Our Important Legacy LLC blog. Glad you stopped by for a brief visit. It is the right time because we are launching our Vartillcon planting plates which are compatible with Kinze® brush meters. We have a plate for both style of brush meters.We tested our plates with old style brush and the new Kinze® 2.0 brush. both brushes work with the plates. For the best results the Kinze® 2.0 brush.Another plus for using our plates is you can plant Cover Crops, Oats, Soybeans and Wheat with these plates; one plate for all these crop seeds. Why have multiple plates for multiple types of seed when one plate plants multiple seed. Since Kinze® is doing away with the original brush, it makes sense to switch both the brush in the meter. For those who like to plant larger amounts of seed per acre, our large cell plate has you covered, as well as your acreage.
Check out the plates on our website at When plates are purchased, a planting chart for seed per pound will be provided. We cannot wait to hear from you!